October 23, 2018

Graphing Kallisto RNASeq results: Pretty box plotting genes by experiment factor levels

Assuming you have already run a bunch of sample with Kallisto against a relevant transcript database, and have the outputs in folders called samplename.kallisto, run this simple script to generate the FPKM data at the transcript and gene levels (in this case, human):

$ kallisto_to_fpkm refseq2gene_human

Start R, and first load the experiment metadata:

> meta <- read.table("meta.tab", header=TRUE)

> meta$path <- as.character(meta$path)
> meta
      sample               path tgfb pfd
1   Library1  Library1.kallisto    0   0
2   Library2  Library2.kallisto    0   0
3   Library3  Library3.kallisto    0   0
4   Library4  Library4.kallisto    1   0
5   Library5  Library5.kallisto    1   0
6   Library6  Library6.kallisto    1   0
7   Library7  Library7.kallisto    0   1
8   Library8  Library8.kallisto    0   1
9   Library9  Library9.kallisto    0   1
10 Library10 Library10.kallisto    1   1
11 Library11 Library11.kallisto    1   1
12 Library12 Library12.kallisto    1   1

You'll see here that I have two treatments (TGFB and PFD), run independently and in combination, as well as wild type.  I'm going to manually assign reasonable factor level names (e.g. "wt" for wild type) that will be used on the graph later.

> sample2category <- hashmap(meta$path, c(rep("wt",3), rep("tgfb", 3), rep("pfd", 3), rep("tgfb+pfd", 3)))

> sample2category
##          (character) => (character)
##  [Library4.kallisto] => [tgfb]     
##  [Library2.kallisto] => [wt]       
## [Library11.kallisto] => [tgfb+pfd] 
## [Library12.kallisto] => [tgfb+pfd] 
##  [Library5.kallisto] => [tgfb]     
##  [Library3.kallisto] => [wt]       
##                [...] => [...]      

Looks good.  Let's load up the gene level FPKM data we generated at the very start:

gene_fpkm <- read.table("gene_fpkm.txt", header=TRUE, row.names=1)

Suppose we have a subset of genes that are of particular interest, let's load them.  It's a simple text file with one gene name per line, in this case, 30 genes.

> cancer <- read.table("cancer.txt", colClasses=c("character"))

Let's just work with the subset of FPKM values from the genes of interest.  For the sake of plotting a reasonable vertical axis range, I'm turning the FPKM values into log2(FPKM+1).

gene_fpkm_cancer <- t(log1p(gene_fpkm[ecm_cancer$V1,], base=2))

What we need to do to generate the boxplots is turn the (gene, sample) matrix into a flatter long table where we have multiple gene -> value instances for each experiment factor combinations.  The flattening is easy, using the function melt().

> library(reshape2)
d <- melt(gene_fpkm_cancer)

> d[1,]

                  X1    X2    value
1 Library10.kallisto MMP11 4.196717

As you can see from just printing the first row of the melt()ed table, X1 is the library, X2 is the gene name, value if the log transformed FPKM value. Let's add the category labels we generated earlier.

> d$category <- sample2category[[d$X1]]
> d[1,]

                  X1    X2    value category
1 Library10.kallisto MMP11 4.273322 tgfb+pfd

Nice, now we are ready to plot, with some fancy options to make it pretty.

> ggplot(d)+ \
  geom_boxplot(aes(category, y=value)) + \                 # boxplot for each category
  facet_grid(.~X2) + \                                     # boxplot pane for each gene
  theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1)) + \   # vertical category labels
  scale_x_discrete(limits=c("wt","tgfb","pfd","tgfb+pfd")) # reorder category labels

February 8, 2018

Analyzing Bisulfite Treated Genome Data (differential methylation detection)

tl;dr Bismark+DSS+ChIPpeakAnno+BioMart is good way to find differentially methylated regions of  genomes that have been bisulphite treated and sequenced, whether you have one or more experimental factors. There are some tricks to getting the annotations exported due to the non-one-to-one nature of diff methyl regions and nearby genes.

DSS is a good choice if you are trying to ensure very few false positives (i.e. specificity) while still getting decent recall/sensitivity (according to this nice comparison paper).

mkdir /export/common/dbs/bismark/danRer10

cp reference_genome.fa /export/common/dbs/bismark/danRer10

Ensure that the bowtie2 and samtools executables are in your PATH, e.g. install BioBuilds

bismark_genome_preparation /export/common/dbs/bismark/danRer10

Then do the following for each of your samples to count the bisulphite converted sites:

bismark -p 4 -un --ambiguous -N 1 -L 28 --non_bs_mm /export/common/dbs/bismark/danRer10/ path/to/my_ctl_1.fastq.gz -B my_ctl_1

bismark_methylation_extractor --scaffolds --bedGraph --parallel 5 --comprehensive --single-end --merge_non_CpG my_ctl_1.bam

Install DSS if you don't already have it, by starting R then:



Create an experiment metadata file for the sample factors:


meta <- read.table("meta.tab", header=TRUE)

      sample site sex
1  CUSH_27_M CUSH   M
2  CUSH_30_F CUSH   F
3  CUSH_35_F CUSH   F
4  CUSH_37_M CUSH   M
5  CUSH_38_F CUSH   F
6  CUSH_39_M CUSH   M
7  GLEN_60_M GLEN   M
8  GLEN_64_M GLEN   M
9  GLEN_65_F GLEN   F
10 GLEN_69_M GLEN   M
11 GLEN_72_F GLEN   F
12 GLEN_76_F GLEN   F

Transform the Bismark output into the format that DSS requires. With replicate whole genome bisulphite data, this can take a while and use a lot of memory (20Gb+).

data <- lapply(meta$sample, function(x){t <- read.table(paste0(x,".bismark.cov"), colClasses = c("character", "integer", "NULL", "NULL", "integer", "integer")); colnames(t) <- c("chr", "pos", "X", "N"); t[,"N"] <- t[,"N"]+t[,"X"]; t})

BSobj <- makeBSseqData(data, meta$sample)

I've got multiple factors in this experiment, so I'll use the more complex fit function in DSS to find loci.

DMLfit <- DMLfit.multiFactor(BSobj, design=meta, formula=~site*sex)

DMLtest.site <- DMLtest.multiFactor(DMLfit, coef=2)

Now merge those loci into regions with more powerful statistics:

DMRtest.site <- callDMR(DMLtest.site, p.threshold=0.05)

ix <- sort(DMLtest.site[,"pvals"], index.return=TRUE)$ix

Inspecting these sorted results I see that the effect of sex is very minimal, so I can go ahead and just consider the site factor in a dichtomous model that includes smoothing for better dispersion estimation in the underlying beta-binomial model of DSS.

dmlTest.site <- DMLtest(BSobj, group1=as.character(meta$sample[1:6]), group2=as.character(meta$sample[7:12]), smoothing=TRUE)

Grab our site-dependent peak loci and peak regions:
dmls <- callDML(dmlTest.site, p.threshold=0.001)
dmrs <- callDMR(dmlTest.site, p.threshold=0.01)

Visually have a look at the most significant differentially methylated region, for sanity's sake:

showOneDMR(dmrs[1,], BSobj)

Then write them to a file:

write.csv(dmrs, "dds_dmr_site_only_fdr_lt_0.01.csv")

Annotated peaks with information from nearby genes:


Unfortunately for me, danRer10 isn't a default in this module, so we need to roll our own data source from BioMart:


mart <- useMart(biomart="ensembl", dataset="drerio_gene_ensembl")

danRer10_anno <- getAnnotation(mart, featureType="TSS")

dmr_gRanges <- GRanges(seqnames=Rle(dmrs$chr), ranges=IRanges(start=dmrs$start, end=dmrs$end))

anno <- annotatePeakInBatch(dmr_gRanges, AnnotationData=danRer10_anno)

G_list <- getBM(filters= "ensembl_gene_id", attributes= c("ensembl_gene_id", "entrezgene", "description"),values=anno$feature,mart= mart)

We also need to get rid of the leading zeros in the numbers for the peaks that ChIPpeakAnno annoyingly adds. Now you have three tables with different number of rows since some dmrs map to more than one feature, and not all features have annotations. Blergh. Hash tables to the rescue!

e2g <- hash(G_list$ensembl_gene_id, G_list$entrezgene)

e2d <- hash(G_list$ensembl_gene_id, G_list$description)

p2dmr <- hash(1:dim(dmrs)[1], lapply(1:dim(dmrs)[1], function(x){as.vector(c(dmrs$nCG[x], dmrs$meanMethy1[x], dmrs$meanMethy2[x], dmrs$diff.Methy[x], dmrs$areaStat[x]))}))

good_annos <- anno[which(!is.na(anno$feature)),]

h2v <- function(hsh, ks){sapply(ks, function(x){values(hsh[x])})}

Nice! We also need to get rid of the leading zeros in the numbers for the peaks that ChIPpeakAnno annoyingly adds. 

df <- data.frame(good_annos, h2v(e2g, good_annos$feature), h2v(e2d, good_annos$feature), t(h2v(p2dmr, as.character(as.numeric(good_annos$peak)))))

write.csv(df, "dss_site_only_dmr_fdr_lt_0.01_gene_annotation.csv")

Nice! Now we have a list of differentially methylated regions and the transcription start sites that they are closest too. Now you might load this list into Ingenuity Pathway Analyst, DAVID or MatInspector to look for higher level biological patterns linking your genes.

February 1, 2018

Are you losing important transcripts in your Kallisto/Sleuth RNASeq analysis?

tl;dr The default transcript filter function parameters in Sleuth are suitable for a single factor, two level contrast RNASeq experiment. If you are running a two-factor experiment (e.g. knock out vs. wild type, plus control vs. treatment), or an experiment with multiple factor levels (e.g. time series), you should probably use a filter function such as the one described below. You will retain more true positive differentially expressed genes, without generating too many new false positives.


I've been a heavy user of Kallisto and Sleuth for RNASeq analysis for some time, and was used to seeing output similar to the following when loading up a dataset:

> so <- sleuth_prep(meta, ~ condition+cell_line+condition:cell_line)
reading in kallisto results
normalizing est_counts
26036 targets passed the filter
normalizing tpm
merging in metadata
normalizing bootstrap samples
summarizing bootstraps

I hadn't given much consideration to how the "filter" statistic was generated, until I had a 5 time point series experiment where we had a priori knowledge of the activation of a transcript only at the last two timepoints. This transcript did not show up in the Sleuth analysis with any p-value, let alone a significant one. A few days later in a two-factor experiment (growth condition and cell line), there were also some missing known transcripts.  

The default filtering function in Sleuth (called basic_filter) requires at least 5 mapped reads to a transcript in at least 47% of the samples. This reduces spurious identification of differential expression in near-zero abundance transcripts, but retains genes that are moderately but consistently expressed in one of two factor levels (e.g. expressed-in-control-only transcripts, or expressed-in-treatment-only transcripts).

If I have two factors in my RNASeq experiment (3 replicates is typical, for 12 samples), this filter would eliminate transcripts only expressed in the interaction term, such as condition:cell_line in the above example.  Here's the metadata:

> meta

        sample                 path condition cell_line
1    NSC_Ctl_1   NSC_Ctl_1.kallisto       NSC       Ctl
2    NSC_Ctl_2   NSC_Ctl_2.kallisto       NSC       Ctl
3    NSC_Ctl_3   NSC_Ctl_3.kallisto       NSC       Ctl
4     NSC_KO_1    NSC_KO_1.kallisto       NSC        KO
5     NSC_KO_2    NSC_KO_2.kallisto       NSC        KO
6     NSC_KO_3    NSC_KO_3.kallisto       NSC        KO
7  Odiff_Ctl_1 Odiff_Ctl_1.kallisto        OD       Ctl
8  Odiff_Ctl_2 Odiff_Ctl_2.kallisto        OD       Ctl
9  Odiff_Ctl_3 Odiff_Ctl_3.kallisto        OD       Ctl
10  Odiff_KO_1  Odiff_KO_1.kallisto        OD        KO
11  Odiff_KO_2  Odiff_KO_2.kallisto        OD        KO
12  Odiff_KO_3  Odiff_KO_3.kallisto        OD        KO

The condition:cell_line term gleans data from only 3 (25%) of the samples (i.e. those that are OD:KO). Let's change the filter to only require >=5 reads in 25% of the samples...

> so <- sleuth_prep(meta, ~ condition+cell_line+condition:cell_line,
                          filter_fun=function(x){basic_filter(x, 5, 0.25)})
reading in kallisto results
normalizing est_counts
36320 targets passed the filter
normalizing tpm
merging in metadata
normalizing bootstrap samples
summarizing bootstraps

Whoa! We just increased the number of transcripts passing filter by 50%, which leads to a huge inflation of false positives in the differential expression, and just as importantly, detrimentally affects the q-values for the genes in our original, default-filtered analysis.  A smarter filter might be to require 100% of samples with any present factor level to have at least 5 reads, i.e. keep any transcript where all replicate samples for a factor moderately express it.

[Puts on thinking cap, writes several failed attempts, then...]

> design_filter <- function(design, row, min_reads=5, min_prop = 0.47){
    sum(apply(design, 2, function(x){
        y <- as.factor(x);
        return(max(tapply(row, y, function(f){sum(f >= min_reads)})/
                   tapply(row, y, length)) == 1 
                   || basic_filter(row, min_reads, min_prop)
    })) > 0}

To pass in the design matrix that my new filter requires, I can just reuse the one my first call to sleuth_prep() generated, rather than making it myself.  Probably not a bad idea to do it this way in any case, so we can then compare how many transcripts pass this new filter vs. the default filter.

> so_redux <- sleuth_prep(meta, ~cell_line*condition, 
reading in kallisto results
normalizing est_counts
26370 targets passed the filter
normalizing tpm
merging in metadata
normalizing bootstrap samples
summarizing bootstraps

Although for this dataset the new filter also requires ~25% of samples to have moderate expression, the added constraint that those 25% cover all replicates of some factor level means adding just 334 transcripts to the analysis instead of more than 10,000.  This seems much more reasonable to me, and my known true positive transcript suddenly appeared. #winning

Note that the design_filter() should work for any set of nominal factors, but not quantitative factors. A column slice of the design matrix could be passed in accordingly in the so_redux code above.